MIDDLE SCHOOL Students in Grades 6 thru 8 will embark on working on their ILPs (Individual Learning Plans) and the Naviance Curriculum addressing Academic & Career domains. Through Naviance, students create academic goals, begin career exploration activities, and high school planning. Naviance is a software tool that enables students in grades 6 through 12 to conduct comprehensive college and career planning. It is also a powerful data collection and analysis tool for school staff and administrators.
Middle school will be receiving The Second Step SEL curriculum through the counselor. There will be a new unit each quarter.
The 1st quarter unit is:
Mindsets & Goals Students will learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply research-based goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives. This unit’s content helps create classrooms that are connected and encouraging by helping students set and achieve collective and personal goals, learn from challenges, recognize their personal strengths, and explore the unique aspects of their identities. The goals of this unit include students being able to:
Recognize that social challenges are common during adolescence and often get better in time with support from others
Adopt a growth mindset
Set personal goals
Create plans to achieve goals
Monitor progress toward achieving a goal and determine if they need to try a new strategy